2017年3月6日 星期一

Reading in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hongkongers don’t read that much?
Right, how DARE they?!

OK, “don’t read that much” seems to be an oversimplification here, and is unfair to those who actually read a lot. While some Hong Kong people still read regularly, it is safe to say that reading population is declining.

What is sad is that, according to some survey, while lots of people agree that reading is very important and is a good way to obtain knowledge, they don’t spend much time on reading because of their busy lives. Some even say plainly that they are not interested in reading.

However, Hong Kong Book Fair, held every year by Hong Kong Trade Development Council since 1990, can still attract a lot of people, whether they have reading habits or not. And the growth of its attendance over these years seems to suggest Hongkongers don’t actually hate reading. It’s more like they just need a chance to read.

Umm… Maybe I should find something to read, too. Not something too deep or philosophical, while being entertaining in some way…
Do you have any suggestion?

