2017年3月6日 星期一

Birthday in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hong Kong people can have up to two birthdays a year?
So, two birthday parties and two birthday presents! Yay~!
You are jealous, aren’t you?

…Of course you are not, you are not some five-year-old kid. But you are curious, no? Why do we have two birthdays?

The answer is simple: calendars.
While we use the western calendar to reference date in our daily lives, some people (especially the older generation) will also use the Chinese calendar to track festivals or events, including one’s birthday. What follows is this weird yet interesting phenomenon: everyone has two birth dates; one for the western calendar; the other being the date on the Chinese calendar. Therefore, say, if you are born on 1st August 2016, your birth date on the Chinese calendar would be the twenty-ninth day of the sixth lunar month.

To be honest, though, not every Hongkonger celebrates both birthdays. Most people will only take the western calendar one as the official birthday. Some families do celebrate both (like mine)…Well, don’t judge me. Being a Hongkonger is hard, we need to come up with excuses to have fun, you know?

