2017年3月13日 星期一

Horse Racing in Hong Kong

Do you know that horse racing in Hong Kong is a sport which can only be enjoyed by the upper class and wealthy people in the past?

Well, not anymore. It’s now a famous gambling activity. And even if you don’t like the gambling part, the horse races are still interesting to watch.

Horse racing in Hong Kong is actually a tradition left by British. Hong Kong Jockey Club, founded in 1884, was established as some kind of “upper class exclusive club”, with strict rules of membership where women and people with unsuitable background were not allowed to join. The club became a professional institute in 1971, and started organizing gamble of horse races, bets and lottery.

There are now around 700 horse races per year in Hong Kong, and are held at the Shatin Racecourse and the Happy Valley Racecourse. These two racecourses are not only heavens to the horse racing fans, but also two pretty famous tourist attractions. You are more than welcome to visit them during horse racing days, as the carnival-like scenery will surely impress you…if you like crowded place, that is.

It’s fun to see how an originally upper class exclusive sport now becomes such a universal event in Hong Kong.
…OK, I’ll be honest. It is the gambling that makes it popular. No debate here.

Still, the horses, the races, the audiences, the atmosphere, when everything combines… there is just some indescribable charm in it.

