2017年3月23日 星期四

Internet in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hong Kong has the highest internet access speed in the world, with the average peak connection of 65.4Mbps? That’s even higher than the one in other Asian countries like Japan, South Korea and Singapore!

And around 73-74% of Hongkongers, meaning 5.5 million out of 7.3 million, are internet users. The mobile internet usage is even higher, with 96% smartphone users using mobile internet service on a daily basis. Again, that’s highest within the Asia region.

“Yay, we are so modern. Now envy us,” is not what I try to say, though. While the easy access to internet benefits us a lot (mostly in terms of leisure), this kind of convenience has altered our lifestyle and habits as well.
Like your friends and families prefer looking at their phones instead of your face; people prefer sending you chat messages instead of calling you directly; the overwhelming amount of information on the internet makes you feel like more alienated and detached, instead of more connected to the society; and when you have nothing to do but you don’t get to browse the net, you start feeling uncomfortable…Any of you find these situations familiar?

Technology is a good thing; it’s our over-reliance on it that is bad. The most important thing is that we don’t let “part of our lives” becomes “our lives”.

But I am posting this thing on the internet myself, so I guess I am not being really persuasive here…

