2017年8月31日 星期四

Tuen Mun Rapist in Hong Kong

Do you know that Lam Kwok Wai is one of the two known serial killers in Hong Kong?
His name may not ring any bells to many Hongkongers, but his nickname would probably do.
Ever heard of the “Tuen Mun Rapist”?

Lam grew up in Tuen Mun, which many considered as a poverty-struck and insecure district, with his broken family. His mother left him when he was only 3; his stepmother was horrible; his father was an alcoholic and a gambler; his sibling had almost no interaction with him.
When he was 15, he started hanging around with others in gangs, beating people, abusing animals, stealing things and taking drugs. Everything he did served only one purpose: to rid of his boredom. He also had a girlfriend, but Lam broke up with her because of his poor self-esteem. He began to seek excitement through drinking, prostitution, and even street racing. It seems his life had no goal but only to look for these kinds of short-lived gratification.

You want to give him a hug? Too bad no one ever does.
This tragic life style drove Lam to seek love and satisfaction through a really extreme method: rape. Lam’s favorite way of assault was to tail his victims, burst into the elevators with them, drag them to somewhere secluded, grip them in the neck until they faint and rape them… And he was only 21 when he committed his first crime.

It is reported that he has raped a total of 13 women and accidentally killed 3 of them. His doing led to widespread panic in Tuen Mun. The police even use female cops as baits to lure him out, but to no avail.

What’s legendary about Lam’s arrest is that Lam actually asked his last victim out for a date.
The police thus ambushed him during his meeting with the victim. The Chief Inspector responsible for the case said it was as if Lam wanted to be caught. He even stated that Lam was actually a very lonely person who cried a lot and would ask other police officers to visit him in prison.

But boredom and loneliness is never an excuse for committing crimes, let alone so many crimes.

I wonder if Lam would come to that conclusion during the rest of his life in jail.

