2017年5月25日 星期四

Bela Vista Villa in Hong Kong

Do you know that the Bela Vista Villa (東堤小築) of Hong Kong is a famous place for…suicide?

Bela Vista Villa, locates in Cheung Chau, Hong Kong Island, is a cluster of vacation bungalows. The villa is close to some historical temples and an awesome beach, a beautiful place with beautiful scene and a beautiful name. Who would have thought it has something to do with such morbid things?

There is (are) reason(s) behind the suicides…or so people believe.
One famous rumor is that in 1989, a divorced woman brought her kid with her to the villa. She killed her kid, and then hung herself in the bungalow while wearing traditional red clothes and shoes (legend said women dying with such clothes would turn into vengeful ghosts). Since then, people have been seeing this “woman in red” wandering in the area and hearing some bone-chilling sobbing from time to time…
Another saying is that a woman broke up with her boyfriend. Feeling upset, she went to the villa and threaten her ex-boyfriend with suicide. But her ex-lover thought that she was only kidding and ignored her. The heart-broken woman thus killed herself by taking sleeping pills and burning charcoal.

The villa has been rumored to be haunted and cursed ever since. What’s worse is that many death-seekers seemed to be affected by the rumors and chose to end their lives at this place. Many people in turn believe the place is heavily shrouded by the “force of yin” and where grudgeful spirits gather.
This creates a vicious cycle of: people commit suicide à the place becomes haunted à more people come to commit suicide in this haunted place à the place becomes more haunted…

Whether you believe in the ghost stories or not, Bela Vista Villa, or even the name Cheung Chau, has more or less become the synonym of “suicide”, and over 20 suicide cases at the resort has been reported.
Maybe people try to imitate what others have been doing unconsciously?

Or maybe…the deceased are lonely and desperately need companions…?

