2017年5月8日 星期一

No place to die in Hong Kong

Do you know that it’s a bad idea to die in Hong Kong?
Well, it’s always (or at least most of the time) a bad idea to die, but what is especially bad about dying in Hong Kong?

Land scarcity is a pretty well-known problem in Hong Kong. The problem doesn’t only mean that Hongkongers have no place to live, but also means we, as suggested by our old saying: 死無葬身之地 (die without a place to be buried).

Because of the lack of space in Hong Kong, burial is never the best option (imagine the price of a proper burial plot). Therefore, most Hongkongers prefer cremation for the deceased. However, we still need a place to store the ashes, right? Then there comes the problem: we don’t even have the space to build columbarium.

While the government tries to look for potential columbarium sites, lots of businessmen and landowners disagree on that because they fear that such facilities would drag down their land’s price. Not to mention the indigenous villagers in Hong Kong have privileges because of their shady relation with the government and can expand their graves (which means lots of space) anytime as they want. What is more ridiculous is that, some people actually see it as some kind of business opportunity, and try to promote urn storage speculation / flipping.
So our short-sighted and lack-of-planning government has no choice but to promote “burial at sea” instead…

Maybe Hongkongers should consider “toilet burial”, and have their ashes flushed away down the toilet?

Earth to earth, ashes to as…somewhere else.

