2017年5月18日 星期四

The Devil Cop in Hong Kong

Do you know that one of the most infamous criminals in Hong Kong was a cop?
I hate the police and make this up to defame them? No, I didn’t.
Have you heard of Tsui Po Ko (徐步高)?

Tsui Po Ko was born in Fujian and grew up in Hong Kong. After graduation, Tsui tried several jobs, but eventually became a police constable in 1993 because he thought the job was well paid and had good benefits. He was an excellent shooter (once scored full mark in training) and had an outstanding performance while in police college, which earned him a “silver whistle”. He was also calm and independent, where his superior thought highly of him.
Wait a minute… Tsui sounds like a fine and full-of-potential young man. That statement about him being a criminal…is that a mistake?

It’s not.
In March 2001, he killed another cop Leung Shing Yan and stole his revolver.
In December of the same year, he committed a bank robbery, stole about HK$500,000 and killed a Pakistani security guard.
And five years later, in 2006, he ambushed two police, Sin Ka Keung and Tsang Kwok Hang in Tsim Sha Tsui. After a ferocious gun fight, Tsui was shot to death. However, Tsang also lost his life while attempting to arrest Tsui, leaving Sin the only survivor.

No one can say for sure why Tsui would fell from the grace, but psychological experts theorize that it was the frustration from never being promoted drove him off the path. While his performance was good, he was too stubborn and self-centered when it came to communication. After failing the promotion tests a few times, he started to act weird, like suddenly singing national anthem in the canteen and stalking Hong Kong political figures.
It was even found out that Tsui had all those philosophical writings stuck on his bed, like “What is the meaning of life?”, “Clashes, conflicts and wars lead to rebirth” and “Ruling class could not tolerate suspicion towards the god because that lowers the god’s legality”, revealing how he was dissatisfied with the ruling class and believe he could change the world. Experts therefore considered him suffering from schizotypal personality disorder.

The story of Tusi ends. His doing shocked the society and earned him the title of “Devil Cop”.
Case closed…or is it?
The devil tempted a once capable and strong-willed young man and turned him into a notorious criminal. How many people could resist the temptation at the end?

The gun is in your hand. Will you pull the trigger?

