2017年5月19日 星期五

Braided Girl in Hong Kong

Do you know that you shouldn’t talk to a crying girl at night, especially when you are in the Chinese University of Hong Kong?
Right…those horror movie-lovers probably got the idea…
Dare to sit here and listen to one of the most famous ghost stories in Hong Kong, “The Braided Girl” (辮子姑娘)?

During 1960s - 1970s, the mainland China was undergoing the Cultural Revolution. Lots of mainlanders hoped to escape from the political and social instability and thus illegally immigrated to Hong Kong. And our heroine, the braided girl, wanted nothing different. It was said that the young lady was not only pretty, but also had a long and beautiful braid.

So how should our gorgeous heroine make her way to Hong Kong? How else but hiding on a cross-border train? Everything went fine. She hid on the train, sneaked into Hong Kong, readied to jump off the train and start her new life here.

As the train reached the part close to the Chinese University, she took her leap.
But there was one thing.
There was one thing that got in her way.
Her braid.
That long and beautiful braid she loved so much, she cared so much, that she was so proud of, got stuck on some part of the train. Her braid got stuck WHILE she was already in midair!
Her face got ripped off and her body got thrown onto the tracks…
Needless to say, it’s a horrible and painful death.

Years later, a boy walked past the road near where the tragedy happened and saw a girl crying.
The boy, being a gentleman (or maybe just curious) walked to her and asked what happen.
The “girl” turned to face the boy and…I will let you imagine how “she” looked like.
Some said her head had no skin but just bleeding flesh, while some said she had another braid right in her face…*shiver*

And here’s the hearsay. My friend’s teacher once claimed that he had a co-worker meeting that “girl”. And after the encounter, that poor co-worker got sent to asylum. When his (let’s assume he is a male) friends asked him about that night, he went on an emotional outburst, yelling, screaming, hitting others, and pulling his own hair.
No one dared asking what he saw that night again…

