2017年3月27日 星期一

Compensated dating in Hong Kong

Do you know that there is a way for Hong Kong teenage girls to make quick cash?
That is called “compensated dating”. (媛助交際)
It’s not something wholesome, though.

The concept originates from Japan. It is a practice of older men giving money or luxuries to females in exchange for some kind of “make believe dating”, or even sexual favors. Though sex is not always involved, and sometimes the role is reversed.

But the situation for that in Hong Kong is much worse. “Compensated dating” has more or less become the euphemism for teen prostitution. The girls can make excuse about how these “dating” are “helping each other”, but that will still boil down to sex in the end.
What’s terrifying is the girls don’t think this is prostitution because they “get to choose the clients” and can “decide to stop at any time they want”. The fact is some of them ended up being raped, and some were even blackmailed with their own nude pictures / videos. In some extreme cases, they got murdered, like the case of Wong Ka Mui in 2008.

Police are worried that the problem would become more uncontrollable because with the advancement of social media and smartphone apps, it is very easy for the teenagers to look for clients online.

It is very sad to see Hong Kong has become a society like this. We Hongkongers used to be proud of being civilized, educated and ethical. However, lots of people seem to see materialism more important than anything else. Even the youngsters, the future of our society, are willing to sell their bodies for money. Maybe I can’t really blame them if they are just trying to ease their families’ financial problems (even though it’s still not a good way), but those who simply want extra pocket money should definitely be criticized. Money IS important, but it doesn’t mean we should give up everything to earn it.

This reminds me of an old saying 笑貧不笑娼, when we “laugh at the poor, but not the prostitute”. People will admire you as long as you can make money, no matter how dirty your methods are.

Is this what Hongkongers believe in?

