2017年3月9日 星期四

LGBT in Hong Kong

Do you know that the laws in Hong Kong are severely lacking in protecting the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) rights?

It’s true. The only legal things LGBT Hongkongers can do are having same-sex sexual activity, having the same age of consent as non-LGBT residents and changing their legal genders.
That’s all. They are not even protected in their workplace, where their employers can CHOOSE TO NOT PRACTICE the Anti-discrimination Laws on that issue (unless their employer is the government).

The public opinion on this matter is not supportive either. Even though a recent survey has over 70% of people agree that same sex couples should enjoy the same right as heterosexual couples do, lots of Hongkongers are still against same-sex marriage, according to surveys done by some other universities and political parties.

It’s pretty disappointing to see that lots of Hongkongers are still so conservative about this issue, even though we always claim to have “modern and international visions”. People still cannot accept something because they are “not mainstream” and thus “not right”. What’s hypocritical is that Hongkongers always try to fight for those universal values like democracy and human rights, but when it comes to things they don’t agree, they could be completely silent, or even join the suppression in some cases.

Luckily, there are still Hongkongers who can tell the difference between “right or wrong” and “one’s acceptance”. There are even celebrities like singers, artists and lawmakers who are willing to support LGBT rights or admit their homosexuality in the public. In my opinion, they are brave.

To deprive someone of some basic civil rights simply because of their sexual preference is never fair.
Something’s rightfulness doesn’t come from how many people accept or support it.

People who grow up in a shame society really should learn that.

