2017年3月16日 星期四

Foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong

Do you know that there are over 300,000 foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong in 2013?
Nearly half of them are from Philippines, another half from Indonesia, and the rest are from Thailand.

Well, I am not rich enough to hire any foreign domestic helper (you need to have a monthly income of at least HK$15,000 by law), so I can’t say I know much about them. But based on the rights they have, it seems their lives as domestic helpers aren’t bad.

They get to live in their employers’ house, they have their own room, and they have free medical treatment, which will probably make lots of Hongkongers jealous (especially the “get a place to live” part); they get one rest day per week, which should be no less than 24 hours, something the overworked wage slaves in Hong Kong deem luxurious; and their minimum wage rate is HK$4,110 per month (the figure in 2014), but since they don’t have to worry about their rent, bill, or food, this net income is a number even a university fresh graduate in Hong Kong can’t hope for…

However, there are people who think this kind of job is so inhumane and barbaric because the domestic helpers look like nothing other than modern slaves. And the news about how they are exploited for profits and abused by their employers intensifies this thought. Even the United Nations Humans Right Committee criticised some of the terms in their employment contract for being too outdated and discriminatory.

…But, but, but they get food! They get a place to live, and, and they don’t have to worry about the bills! And more importantly, they get paid! And holidays!
What have the society done to me…?
Why I am finding a HK$4,000 job appealing?

