2017年3月6日 星期一

Average IQ in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hongkongers’ average IQ rank highest in the world?
This result is based on a book called “IQ and the Wealth of Nations”. The book carried a survey and tried to compare the average IQ of 185 countries / regions in the world.
And just as I suggested, Hong Kong’s average IQ is the highest (107), followed by South Korea (106) and Japan (105).

…No, just kidding. That result is actually pretty controversial and people are still arguing about its methodology and accuracy, so don’t take it too seriously. Maybe the IQ test happened to be similar to our exam papers under the force-fed style education system, so Hongkongers tend to get good result?

Even though the study somewhat suggested that Hongkongers are intelligent overall, it’s still not something we should be over-excited about.
For a society to develop healthily, we should not only focus on the overall intelligence, but also other categories like morality and culture. People who are “too intelligent” and “too rational”, but without an ethical baseline, will always focus on and only interested in maximizing their own gains. While it is only natural and selfishness is the main reason why animals could survive, it sure is disgusting surrounded by people mentioning “make the most money in the shortest amount of time”, or “befriend people who can benefit you the most”.
This seems to be what intelligent done to Hong Kong at least.

And seriously, if Hongkongers really are that intelligent, why would they believe in those “iodine in salt can drive away radiation” or “vinegar can kill SARS virus” rumors? Mindlessly repeating what others said and jumping to conclusion without finishing the question is obviously not a sign of intelligence.

…Sitting here bashing people for being intelligent, I don’t feel intelligent at all.

