2017年6月27日 星期二

The Jars Murderer in Hong Kong

Do you know that Lam Kor Wan is one of the two known serial killers in Hong Kong?

Lam is an infamous serial murderer from 1980s, nicknamed “Jars Killer”, or more commonly known as “Rainy Night Butcher” to Hongkongers. He was a nightshift taxi driver. Lam took advantage of his occupation by picking up female passengers and strangulated them with electrical wires. Many of his killings took place during rainy nights, thus earning him the alias mentioned above.

That’s nothing special? You have seen something crazier?
I am not finished yet.
After he killed the victims, he took their bodies home, took off all their clothes, took pictures of their nude bodies and dismembered them. What’s daring about that is he lived with his family members, and his family had no idea that the victims’ bodies were stored under their sofa overnight until they were chopped into pieces the next day.
Then he would cut off the victims’ sexual organs and store them in jars (remember his nickname?) for his…um, personal collection. He even videotaped the whole process of dismemberment and gave the video tapes names like “A Serious Secret” or “Rainy Night Action”…That’s sick? But I still haven’t tell you that he tried eating the third victim’s intestine (“tried”, he failed to do so at last because even he thought that was too disgusting) and had sex with the fourth victim’s body…Opps, I should have warned you first, shouldn’t I?

When he tried to develop the photographs of him dismembering the victims in a film shop, the shop manager found the content too suspicious (even though Lam claimed that he worked at mortuary) and informed the police. The police found out his “collection” at his home and eventually arrested Lam. He was first sentenced to death, but was later changed to life imprisonment since death penalty in Hong Kong was abolished.

Lam is very calm and seldom talks while in jail. This creepy personality, together with his crimes, scared even the prison officers. Lots of people are afraid of him not only for what he has done, but also because of “the aura” surrounding him. One of the officers even said that he once saw four semi-transparent figures circling Lam…

Whether it is real or not though, I will let you decide…

