2017年6月9日 星期五

Old Fashioned Toys in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hong Kong was once one of the largest toy exporters in the world?

Hong Kong was just a small dot on the map and probably 99% of the world had never heard of its name. Toys stamped with “Made in Hong Kong” were automatically rejected when Hong Kong first entered the global toy industry.

However, its low-cost yet high-quality toys caught the eyes of international brands; the once appalling “Made in Hong Kong” brand became a guarantee of quality. That was the time overseas companies start their toy production in this small city and the local manufacturers fought to build their own empires.

Tin robots, rubber ducks, paper dressing dolls, battery-operated cars…Some locally manufactured, some imported…
As old fashioned as they may be, the footprints they left on the trail of history would never fade.

That makes you want to meet these childhood friends” (spelled as “T-O-Y-S”) once again?
Then you have come to the right place. Tai Yuen Street in Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island is THE place for childhood seekers like you. You will not only find shops selling old fashioned toys there, but also toys collectors and figurine enthusiasts. Remember the day you only had limited pocket money, and you had to struggle for which toy to buy; but you still couldn’t decide in the end so you could only stare at all the toys you want with that pairs of innocent puppy eyes? Now you can buy them all! Actually, simply seeing the stock would be more than enough to bring that dead child inside you back to life!
Or you can visit the Hong Kong Museum of History and take a look at the great variety of toys that used to be sold in Hong Kong. You will definitely will awe-struck by their unbelievably high quality and astonishing numbers. The only downside is that, no, you can’t play with them, sorry.

Now I want to dig out my transformable and combinable robots I love so much when I was a kid. Oh, and the toy train as well…and that dinosaur plush doll…and, and…
My mum threw them away many years ago, didn’t she?

…I hate you mum. *sob*

