2017年6月27日 星期二

Lam Tsuen Wishing Trees in Hong Kong

Do you know that there is a tree in Hong Kong that can grant your wish?
…Actually, not “a tree”, but “four trees”.
Yep, I am talking about the Lam Tsuen Wishing Trees (林村許願樹).

The wishing trees located in Fong Ma Po Village, Lam Tsuen. The wishing tradition used to be exclusive to the villagers only, but later got famous because of some TV drama series. Lots of visitors, including foreigners would come just to wish upon the trees.
The practice is simple. You write your wish on the wishing paper and tie it up with an orange. Then you throw it high so that it can hang on the trees’ branches. Legend has it that, the higher your wishing paper is hung, the more likely your wish will come true.

Originally, there were only two wishing trees; one is famous for praying for career, academic, health and wealth, the other for marriage and pregnancy. However, in 2005, one of the trees’ branches was broken due to the weight of the wishing papers and oranges. The villagers then planted another tree (imported from Guangzhou) in 2008 and had it as the third wishing tree, but throwing wishing papers on the trees has been forbidden since then in order to protect them. The villagers set up a wishing rack for the visitors to pray instead.
In 2009, to preserve the “throwing wishing papers” tradition, the villagers plant the fourth wishing tree, which is a fake plastic tree. The visitors can now throw all the wishing papers (tied with plastic oranges now) they want at the new wishing tree!

What about that tree with broken branches? Is it ok?
Don’t worry. Under experts’ three years of intensive care and nurture, the damaged wishing tree finally recovered in 2008.

I wonder if this would really grant you your wishes?
But I can’t even hang my clothes properly on a hanger, let alone the tree branches 10m off the ground…

I think I will pass.

