2017年6月6日 星期二

Organ Donation in Hong Kong

Do you know that in 2008, the Hong Kong Government has established the Centralised Organ Donation Register to make it more convenient for Hongkongers to donate organs after their deaths?

Sadly, there are only around 200,000 Hongkongers registered under the scheme, which is only about 2% population of Hong Kong, and the donation rate is one of the lowest in the world. What’s weird is that, a survey shows that over 90% of interviewees actually agree to donate organ after death. So…where have these potential donators gone?

Lots of people said they didn’t know how to register or were afraid that their families wouldn’t support them. And some researchers suggested that the low donation rate results from traditional beliefs and misconception, while some others researchers urged the government to put more effort in promoting organ donation.

I am not on the stance to criticize, since I am not a registered organ donor either…
Traditional beliefs tell us that death is something serious and should not be taken lightly. This kind of thinking is not wrong, the problem is people (probably including me) seems to have taken it too seriously. They think it is an “undignified death” if we could not even have our whole body preserved / in one piece. That is probably why people are so refused to donate “part of their bodies” to the others.

I don’t care about this dignified death thing, but somehow…this feels so morbid to me.
I mean…registration making sure something will happen to you…after your death…
Yes, I know that doesn’t even sound logical, but it still gives me some shudder…

Maybe I should consider registering one day once I can overcome this irrational fear.
Hey, yeah, you there, don’t be like me, ok?
Lots of people out there need your (our) help, so make sure you (we) give them a chance they deserve!

*Run away as a hypocrite*

