2017年6月27日 星期二

Sexual inactiveness

Do you know that Hongkongers are sexually inactive?
How “inactive”?
Well, inactive enough to alarm the sex experts and researchers.

I am serious!
Be it Durex’s not-so-scientific survey, or Family Planning Association of Hong Kong’s poll, or even Agence-France Presse’s report, they all seem to point out that Hongkongers are lacking when it comes to sex, both in quantity and quality.

They try to explain the situation with the lack of privacy space in Hong Kong resulting from the horrendous house price, as well as Hongkongers’ stressed life from their work. Some researchers pointed out that psychological elements are also accountable because traditional Chinese culture treats “sex” as a big taboo and people are shy about that as they see sex as something “dirty” and think that are not supposed to have sexual desire. Even if they do have sex, not many of them can experience orgasm every time, and the situation is especially bad for females.

That’s just unhealthy.
Sometimes I wonder if it has anything to do with that hierarchy of needs…Who would waste time thinking about sex when you have lots of livelihood issues to worry about? I know that most Hongkongers are more or less mentally sick under the daily stress to begin with, but who knows the problem is so severe?

No wonder the Family Planning Association are concerned that it may harm the overall fertility rate in Hong Kong… 

