2017年6月6日 星期二

Mental Health in Hong Kong

Do you know that according to a survey done on 2,500 Hongkongers, around 15% of them have some significant neurotic symptoms?
Now try to apply the figure to this 7-million-people city…

Lots of Hongkongers don’t really understand what mental disorder is. When they heard of the word “mental”, they automatically think it has something related to schizophrenia, being violent and untreatable. Even if they can tell and they are suffering from it, they will still leave it alone because they are too scared and embarrassed to look for medical help.

The result? According to a survey done by Mental Health Association of Hong Kong in 2014, half of the interviewees felt “having poor mental health” and 10% of them even thought of suicide.

And as if the situation is not bad enough, the city is severely lacking working psychiatrist, with only around 350 (in June 2016). So we are talking about a patient-doctor ratio of, on average, 4.5 psychiatrists per 100,000 people, which is way lower than the median (8.9 psychiatrists per 100,000 people) for high income regions / countries suggested by a WHO survey.

Of course Hongkongers can also opt for private psychologists…if they can afford it. A one-hour consultation from these experts could cost HK$1,200 to HK$2,000 (around US$154 to US$256) and is not covered in insurance. Who would spend that amount of money for mental reasons when paying HK$200 for some cold medicine is already deemed costly by many in this city?
This explains why the private sector handles only 10% of the patients…

The conclusion, from all these datum and numbers, is that Hongkongers are on verge on mental breakdowns and alleviation of the problem does not seem feasible.
One day, they may lose it and go to choke everyone they see.
So please do not scare them, touch them, feed them or take picture of them.

Thank you for your co-operation.

