2017年3月6日 星期一

Crime in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hong Kong is one of the safest places in the world? It is also suggested that the crime rate has dropped to its lowest since 1979, and its murder rate is the lowest in the world in 2011.

…That doesn’t mean there are no bad guys in Hong Kong though. While there aren’t much “serious” crimes like murders or arsons, theft, vandalism, assaults and triad-related crimes are pretty common in Hong Kong.
What’s especially common these days is telephone fraud, so common that I am pretty sure lots of Hongkongers have at least received one or two of these calls before (including me). The calls are usually about how your parcels cannot be delivered and / or contain illegal materials, so you need to provide personal information for verification, and ultimately pay money to “bait” your parcels out.

There’s also news saying that tourist scams are common. Some cunning merchants will use rigged scale to weigh goods and lie about the quality. So in the end, the tourists only get a portion of what they have paid for; or buy something that doesn’t worth the price.

One of my friends who live near an old market says that there seems to be more triad-related activities these days. He said that there have been lots of gang fights these few months (right at where he lives) and those always end up having the police cleaning up the mess…Suddenly Hong Kong doesn’t sound so safe anymore, huh?

Hong Kong may be a lawful and secure place on the surface, but deep down, who knows what REALLY is happening? Hoaxes, triad-related crimes, money laundering, corruption…these kinds of things are only alien to those blind followers of the media.
You think something doesn’t exist just because you can’t see it? Then…think again.
Me? Well, I always suspect everything.

I am a conspiracy theorist after all…*wink*

#Hongkong #Hongkongers #Crime #Security #Safety

