2017年5月15日 星期一

Lotus in Hong Kong

Do you know that lotus is edible?
From petals to leaves, from rhizome to seeds; almost every single part of lotus can be turned into food.

In Hong Kong, lotus-related dishes are actually pretty common.
The petals can be used to brew tea; the leaves can be used to warped food; the rhizome can be cooked into either savory dishes or sweetened snacks; while lotus seeds are usually used for desserts: lotus seed paste buns, moon cakes, lotus seed soup…
Sometimes, Hong Kong people simply forget that all these things they put into their mouth comes only from a flower.

How about you? You can also give them a try.
All you have to do, is to visit a “Dim Sum House” (茶樓, basically a Cantonese restaurant where you can eat “dim sum”, or snack) and you can order all you want.

I recommend lotus seed paste buns.

