2017年5月18日 星期四

Avian Flu in Hong Kong

Do you know that the Influenza type H5N1, which had its outbreak in Hong Kong in 1997, is the first known avian flu that can infect human?

This kind of virus was actually first found in mainland China in 1996. The virus killed some geese but didn’t catch much attention because it was merely deemed as normal avian flu which could affect birds and poultries only.
…Until a 3-year-old boy in Hong Kong died from it. The boy suffered from multiple organ failure and his blood even clotted! The specialists in Hong Kong could not determine what was happening and had to forward the virus sample to over sea labs and CDC.

The result they had, unexpectedly, shocked the whole medical field. That is because doctors and scientists thought that only virus type H1, H2 and H3 could cause flu in humans. But this time, the boy was killed by a flu caused by virus type H5, which was thought to only affect birds.

The case led to deep concern of health organisations all over the world. A total of 18 Hongkoners were infected and 6 of them died. Fearing the spread of the disease, the Hong Kong government had no choice but to killed over 1 million chickens and had to pause importing live chickens from the mainland.

Two years later, a new virus strain H9N2 was found in Hong Kong. The virus keeps on mutating from then on and the nightmare of humanity continues…

