2017年8月31日 星期四

Wedding in Hong Kong

Do you know that the weddings in Hong Kong are complex because they are usually a mix of Chinese and western one and they can cost up to HK$300,000 (around US$38,461)?

The groom’s family would have to pay for the “bride’s price”, which is usually over HK$10,000 (can be up to HK$100,000). Even though “the more the merrier”, the bride’s family usually won’t ask for too much (or it will look like they are selling the daughter). The money can be paid in the form of gold, jewelry or other valuables.

On the day of the wedding, the groom will have to visit the bride’s family and “pick up” the bride, which is where the real war begins. The “sisters” (the female friends and relatives of the bride) will try their best to stall the groom (in a playful way, of course) and ask for lai see. They will usually ask for an amount like HK$99,999 (because “9” sounds like “longevity” and “ever-lasting” in Cantonese, in hope of what the marriage would be), though it’s up to the groom’s side to decide whether they would pay that amount. And after all those groom-teasing games/tortures, the groom would finally reach the bride.

The game’s over, so it’s on to the serious business. The elders from both families will sit and the couple will serve tea to them. Usually the elders would give them some lai see or gold jewelry and ask the groom to take of care of the bride for the rest of his life. And the groom, in return, will thank the bride’s parents for taking care of their daughter and claim how meeting the bride is one of the most fortunate things in his life…
Yeah, pretentious stuff…but they love it, so…anyway, the tea ceremony is done.

And now the couple can choose between a westernized church wedding and traditional Chinese banquet. People who can afford would go for both, one at day and the other at night. As for people who can’t…Well, there are even people who don’t arrange banquet. They simply participate in some religious ceremony and small meals afterwards. This seems to be the trend over these few years since the “complete” wedding takes too much time and money.

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