2017年4月22日 星期六

Working hour in Hong Kong

Do you know Hong Kong has no legislation on maximum and normal working hours?
…Damn it!! I got all irritated just from mentioning that!! Grrrrrrrrr……

Image result for Overtime work

According to the “Price and Earning” Study by UBS, Hong Kong ranked 71 out of 71 global cities on the length of average working hour per week, which is around 49-50.11 hours. For comparison, Paris people have it best, with only 30 hours or so.

While office hours in Hong Kong tend to be 9:00 – 18:00 (excluding 1 hour lunch break), that’s not true in most case, especially when you work in retail industry or work on shift. Not to mention lots of offices also open on Saturday (some half-day, some full-day)…

And did I mention anything about overtime work? While some decent companies will at least try to pay the employees for working overtime, some (or maybe even lots of, from what I’ve heard) companies won’t, claiming that “you have to work overtime because you are slow, and that is not the company’s responsibility to pay you”.
Yeah… some people really are shameless as long as they can save money. And of course you can look for another job; it’s just that no one can guarantee the next one would be better, especially when you consider that this is the problem of the whole society, not just one or two individual firms…

And this is how the “high competitiveness of Hongkongers” comes from.

Yeah, I am so proud of it…

