2017年4月28日 星期五

Study university in Hong Kong

Do you know that less than half of the Hong Kong students prefer studying in university?
47.2% to be exact. The figure is way higher in other places though, with 80.9% in South Korea and 70.2% in Singapore. It’s not really healthy for a modern society like Hong Kong, is it?

How about we consider this: only 18% of the students in Hong Kong gain admission to publicly funded university, while South Korea has more than 80%.
What about the remaining 82% students? Well, what else? They pay the school fee themselves.

Some researchers suggested that the fierce competition and the school fee scared the students away and worried that since the students are not expecting university education, they may not put much effort in their study.

Aside from the financial burden, Hong Kong students also have to worry about the usefulness of a university degree.
A recent study shows that the median income of Hong Kong fresh university graduates has dropped by nearly 20% in the last 20 years. That seems to be the result of the huge increase in university places over the years. The abundant supply of university graduates means employers have way more choices and can offer a much lower salary level. Not to mention the increase of university places without careful planning leads to the mismatch between the degrees available and job vacancies.
So in other words, the value of university degree is depreciating.

And the government officials plan to make Hong Kong’s economy a knowledge based one…
Good luck, because they will need it, lots of it.

I mean, who would want “knowledge” if it’s not affordable or practical?

