2017年4月22日 星期六

Recycle in Hong Kong

Do you know that the daily waste generation per capital in Hong Kong is high when compared to other similar Asian cities? It is obviously not something to brag about, though.
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According to the HK government survey, the daily domestic waste generation per capita is around 1.36kg, which is higher than that in Taipei, Tokyo and Seoul. A pretty astonishing amount, if you ask me.

And not to mention that because of the lack of land in Hong Kong, combined with all those environmental regulations, it is really difficult to look for a suitable site for landfill or incinerator. That is why the HK government has been promoting the recycling of waste.

If you have some understanding about Hong Kong’s waste recycling policy, you should have heard of “Blue for used paper; yellow for aluminium can; brown for plastic bottles” (the colors refer to the colors of the recycling bins) and the “3R”: reduce, reuse and recycle. However, the result seems to be somewhat disappointing since, unsurprisingly, not much waste can truly be recycled and, sadly, Hongkongers don’t know much about the importance and practice of recycling.

Can we change? Obama said “yes, we can”, but what will Hongkonger say to this matter?

