2017年4月22日 星期六

Water in Hong Kong

Do you know that Hong Kong’s water usage per capita is higher than most first world cities? Over 2000 million liters a day, to be exact (excluding 7 million salt water for flushing). So, yes, this is even higher than that in cities like Paris, London and Singapore.

Image result for water

Most water is used on domestic level, and most domestic water is used for tapping and bathing. Some argued that this is because Hong Kong’s water tariff is amongst the lowest in the whole word; while some defended that it is difficult to control water usage because people don’t have exact figures on how much they are using.

Whatever the reason is, Hong Kong government has been looking for method to ease the problem, like promoting the idea of saving water and building desalinization water plant.

Still, Hong Kong’s water supply mainly relies on the Dongjiang River in Guangdong.
But lots of people don’t really like this, not only because it is getting more and more expensive, and the water quality is really questionable, but also because the water supply from China could be unstable.

The growing populations, extensive amount of water for agricultural and industrial uses in Guangdong, and the occasional drought in China, all these factors suggest that the water supply from Guangdong may not be as sustainable as it seems.

