2017年4月24日 星期一

Hong Kong Railway Museum

Do you know that the Hong Kong Railway Museum was originally the Old Tai Po Market Railway Station?

The (old) Tai Po Market stop used to be one of the stops for the Kowloon-Canton Railway (British Section), which was opened in 1910, connecting Kowloon and Guangzhou. Later, since the trains started to be electrified, the station was out of service in 1983. It was then declared a monument in 1984. The railway company gave the abandoned station to the government and the museum was finally finished and opened in 1986.

What can you do inside?
Well, you can read about the detailed history of the museum and how Hong Kong’s railways were developed; you can admire the old train station’s unique and classic architectural style; you can walk along the rail tracks and be amazed by the display of locomotives, old station sign, old ticket samples…; you can also get on the old train compartments and experience what a train journey in the past feel like; there are also the exhibitions of Japanese Shinkansen and Eurostar. In simple words, you can do everything that makes a train lover’s blood boil!

The museum is in Tai Po Market, just a 10-minute walk away from the (new) Tai Po Market train station. And did I mention that it’s free to enter? Just don’t be like me and visit on Tuesday because it’s when it will be closed (on Christmas and Lunar New Year as well).
Oh man…I got so excited just from the talk. I was so crazy for trains when I was a kid, and the museum was more appealing than any theme park to me.
Right, let me go there and be reminiscent

Dang it! It’s Tuesday again!

