2017年4月28日 星期五

Un-Happiness in Hong Kong

Do you know most Hongkongers can’t live a happy life?
No, I didn’t make that up. Ever heard of Gini’s coefficient?

For those who haven’t, Gini’s coeffieient is a statistical measure which can represent the income distribution of a nation’s residents. So in other words, more or less an indicator of inequality, with 1 (100%) indicating the maximal inequality. This basically means the higher the number, the sadder a place is.

South Africa has the highest Gini’s coefficient in the world (0.62).
And Hong Kong gets 0.537 in 2016.

Of course this number isn’t an absolute yard stick of how happy (or sad) a place is.
But I can tell you that number does make sense. Hong Kong has the worst economic inequality in Asia; over-population in such a small city results in the lack of housing and resources; over-competition leads to really stressful and apathetic lives; government and corporation exploiting Hongkongers means non-wealthy citizens don’t have much chance in “moving upward” in the social hierarchy…

I can keep the list going, but I guess no one is genuinely interested.
Well, who am I anyway? I am just some random dude whining on the internet…
Now, if you excuse me, I will proceed to cry in the corner. Have a nice day.


